Environmental After Brexit – Building an Agenda for UK Environmental Law and Business


The Environment after Brexit Conference at Bournemouth University, 11 April 2017, aims to address the important challenges and opportunities in leaving the EU.

Leaving the EU presents both risks and opportunities for Environmental Law and Business in the UK.
Before last year’s referendum, the British environmental profession was overwhelmingly in support of remaining in the EU. Now, thoughts are turning to the enormous implications of disconnecting UK from EU environmental laws. Domestic and European law are deeply intertwined and disentangling them will throw up a huge range of challenges, from transposing legislation to aligning regulatory regimes.
ENDS seeks to address these important challenges at the Environment after Brexit conference on 11 April, 2017 at Bournemouth University. It is a key opportunity for business, environmental and legal professionals to hear from experts and take part in a discussion on what Brexit could and should mean in practice.
The mission of the meeting is to develop an agenda for environment after Brexit that minimises the risks, seizes the opportunities and points towards a new and healthy balance between environmental protection and British business success.
Who are the speakers?
  •  Dr Alan Whitehead, Labour MP, Southampton Test
  • Martin Baxter, Chief Policy Advisor, IEMA
  • Richard Macrory, Professor at UCL and Co-Chair of the UK Environmental Law Association’s Brexit Taskforce
  • Amy Mount, Head of Greener UK Unit at Green Alliance
  • Paul Leinster, Professor, Cranfield University and Former Chief Executive, Environment Agency
  • Peter Oliver, Barrister at Law, Monckton Chambers
  • Tilak Ginige, Senior Lecturer Environmental Law, Bournemouth University

Who should attend?

  • EHS and sustainability managers in Business
  • Managers in environmental and green economy sectors
  • Environmental consultants
  • Environmental lawyers
  • Company in-house lawyers
  • Environmental specialists and scientists
  • Local authority environment and sustainability specialists
  • Environmental charities and campaigners
  • Academics and graduate students

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