


Fibula (brooch)

Iron Age south Dorset crouched burial group

Crouched burial

Crouched burial

Ceramic fineware – base of vessel – and a copper alloy object

Ceramic fineware and copper alloy object

Ceramic fineware and copper alloy object

Chalk gaming counter

Gaming counter

Gaming counter

Romano-British fibula (brooch)

Copper alloy object – possibly strap end

Copper alloy

Copper alloy

Samian ware, with bird decoration

Samian ware

Samian ware

Pennanular brooch, copper alloy

Pennanular brooch

Pennanular brooch

Sherd of Roman glass

Roman Glass

Roman Glass

Fragments of Roman mortaria

Fragments of Roman mortaria

Fragments of Roman mortaria


A typical finds tray, containing bone, Roman pottery (spot the Samian ware), copper alloy and iron artefacts

A typical finds tray

A typical finds tray


A broken quern stone

A broken quern stone


A triangular shaped weight

A triangular shaped weight


An Iron Age bowl before full excavation

An Iron Age bowl before full excavation



A silver Roman double snake head ring

A silver Roman double snake head ring