Monday 24th June 2013
Day 19-The Beginning of the End
Today marks the first day of the last week for this season of the dig. It is extremely important to get as many features finished as possible as this is the last year on the area! In light of this, BSc Archaeology student Afifa Khan as now been authorised to lift a proportion of the Roman tiled feature in order to see if there is any datable evidence underneath and to see the construction of the structure. In order to see how the feature was constructed, the flint walls and mortar are also being removed.
Elsewhere on site, student Toula Protopsaltis was undergoing a section of a small, oval like shaped feature and had a large flint reaching from one edge to the other. Careful excavation from under this rock in order to reach the bottom, revealed a very interesting find. Just emerging from the soil was what appears to be a perinatal cranium, as pictured below!