My Faculty of Management Executive Dean’s Scholarship

For students looking for higher education, some key factors come into play when choosing a university. Factors such as cost, geographical location, accreditation, academic quality are some common key considerations. For postgraduate students, especially international students, cost is a key factor when selecting a university. In the UK, the average cost of a postgraduate degree… Read more » about My Faculty of Management Executive Dean’s Scholarship

How to write a successful application for the Executive Dean’s Scholarship

Hello everyone. Before enrolment, I received an Executive Dean’s Scholarship (50% tuition fee waiver), and I must say that really helped with my finances considering the exchange rates, living expenses and the difference in tuition fees for international non-EU students that are applied by all universities in the UK. That’s why I wanted to prepare a… Read more » about How to write a successful application for the Executive Dean’s Scholarship