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MSc Foundations of Clinical Psychology

Me and my friends from BU at Nando’s Bournemouth

Hello everyone. Before enrolment, I received an Executive Dean’s Scholarship (50% tuition fee waiver), and I must say that really helped with my finances considering the exchange rates, living expenses and the difference in tuition fees for international non-EU students that are applied by all universities in the UK. That’s why I wanted to prepare a blog that gives some tips on how to structure your application, what to include and where to look for more information!

Here are my top tips:

Do your research

Go to BU’s Scholarship Application Form. Carefully read the guidelines, make sure you match the criteria. Check the online templates for reference but make sure to create a unique piece of an application, do not copy others’ words. BU gives great importance to ethical guidelines and is very strict about plagiarism, and you need to make sure you don’t make these mistakes. An Executive Dean’s Scholarship is offered to many faculties, so make sure you know the deadline for your faculty, here’s the link. For example, for international students, the deadline for the Faculty of Management Executive Dean’s Scholarship is 18 November 2018 for January 2019 entry and 31 May 2019 for September  2019 entry.

Structure your writing and get rolling

First of all, you need to structure your text because you only have around 300 words to explain why you need the scholarship and why they should pick you instead of hundreds of other students. My advice is, start giving brief information about BU and how it matches your academic interest. Then talk briefly about your academic history, your final grade during undergraduates. If you have any relevant work experience, it is always great to spice it up! This way you show people that you are one step ahead of others and that you have excellent time management skills by working during your studies. If you have done any voluntary or charity work, make sure to talk about these, for sure!

Financial status in your country

It is entirely okay to be honest and talk about your financial situation. After all, we are all students and we don’t have a regular paycheck before completing our studies. Talk about your family finances, and how much the scholarship can support you with your future aims.

Explain your career prospect and point out your skills and traits

It is also important to show them that you have a prospect and that you have done your planning after the end of your studies. Talk about your careers plans and even your future studies. If you want to do your doctorates at BU or if you’re going to stay in academia and you believe BU is the best choice, mention these too. Don’t forget to talk about your skills, personality traits, and what you can offer! What makes you different? What brought you here? What makes you, you? Lastly, make sure you make a good ending. Finish with what you want them to remember. Good luck!