Posts By: Anne Quinney

Transforming Assessment Practices at BU through assessment design policy change: the principles

Statue in garden

In May 2019 Senate approved the new  evidence-based student-centred assessment policy change. This blog post sets out the principles underpinning the change. There are separate blogs on the specific requirements  of the policy and on the resources to support the changes. The drivers for change in assessment practices were both local and national. These included… Read more » about Transforming Assessment Practices at BU through assessment design policy change: the principles

Moving exams on-line – some principles

Statue in garden

Transforming how university exams are designed, managed and completed is far from straightforward. Without careful preparation and piloting, there are challenges in relation to fairness (a reasonable test of what students are expected to have learnt), fitness-for-purpose (the task reflects the intended learning outcomes and enables learners to meet the appropriate academic standard), equity of… Read more » about Moving exams on-line – some principles

Designing assessments: some key points from the Principles of Assessment Design (6c) Policy document

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At this time of year programme teams may be planning assessments for the next academic year. To support this activity here are some of the key points from 6c. For the academic year 2020-21 all levels 4 and 5(undergraduate), and level 7(postgraduate) level assignments will need to align with 6c. Key points in the policy,… Read more » about Designing assessments: some key points from the Principles of Assessment Design (6c) Policy document

Are you looking for ideas or advice for planning assessments?

Some new resources have been added to the Assessment & Feedback Toolkit that you may find helpful when planning assessments for the next academic year. (1) The University of Leeds has published a compendium of assessment types which includes student perspectives. (2) JISC has recently published a report on the future of assessment –… Read more » about Are you looking for ideas or advice for planning assessments?

Are you looking for ideas or advice for planning assessments?

Statue in garden

Some new resources have been added to the Assessment & Feedback Toolkit that you may find helpful when planning assessments for the next academic year. The University of Leeds has published a compendium of assessment types which includes student perspectives. JISC has recently published a report on the future of assessment – setting out… Read more » about Are you looking for ideas or advice for planning assessments?

Co-creation Application Form

Co-creation application form The deadline for applying for a co-creation award this year is Monday 15th April. If you’re looking for the application form that students should complete to apply for a co-creation award it is attached here.  

Co-Creation Awards 2019

This year the Centre for Excellence in Learning will be once again be offering awards for co-creation as we continue to promote the unique contribution that students and staff working together on discrete small-scale projects can bring. These projects contribute to the enrichment of teaching and learning, to future employability prospects, the development of research… Read more » about Co-Creation Awards 2019

Supporting Assessment & Feedback – some free tools.

  Anne Quinney, CEL Theme Leader for Assessment & Feedback recently attended the Researching Assessment Practices (RAP) Conference at Southampton University. The conference was organised by Professor Carol Evans (a National Teaching Fellow) who has developed a set of free resources to support assessment – the EAT Assessment Framework Resources.   What is EAT? EAT… Read more » about Supporting Assessment & Feedback – some free tools.

CELebrate 2017 – don’t forget to submit your abstract!

Call for abstracts for the CELebrate 2017 conference. . The theme of this one day regional conference, organised by the BU Centre for Excellence in Learning (CEL), is Assessment & Feedback, and we welcome abtracts for presenting your ideas at the conference, whether this is to report on and share pedagogic research or to report… Read more » about CELebrate 2017 – don’t forget to submit your abstract!