
Learning motivations and placement experience in HE

Dr James Gavin from the Department of Sport and Physical Activity delivered a CEL workshop today focusing on placement experience and the learning motivations of students. Based upon James’ recent paper, the workshop provided some useful insights into the changing learning motivations of students studying undergraduate degrees with (practice-based), and without (study-based) work placements. In… Read more » about Learning motivations and placement experience in HE

Interactive Employability Workshop – 5th October in PG30a 13:00 – 14:30 Placement Experience and Learning Motivations in HE

Dr James Gavin from the Department of Sport and Physical Activity will be delivering an interactive CEL workshop on Wednesday 5th October in PG30a at 13:00. Dr Gavin’s research suggests motivation is critical for academic learning and achievement, and particularly student engagement in the first year at university. Based upon his recent paper, this workshop… Read more » about Interactive Employability Workshop – 5th October in PG30a 13:00 – 14:30 Placement Experience and Learning Motivations in HE

Careers and Employability CEL Seminar

A few weeks ago, the Careers and Employability Service delivered a well received, thought-provoking,  seminar for CEL focusing on the topic of employability and career guidance. Participants were asked to consider how their own careers have evolved and whether or not they had received advice and guidance along the way. It seemed for most, their… Read more » about Careers and Employability CEL Seminar

CELebrate workshop – From comfort zone to scary zone – enhancing employability skills through business simulation

Dr Roger Atkinson and myself delivered a workshop during the CELebrate event to share some of the innovative approaches we use in our teaching and learning to help prepare Level 6 Business Studies students for the world of work. The growing importance of graduate employability provided the basis of the presentation and was supported by… Read more » about CELebrate workshop – From comfort zone to scary zone – enhancing employability skills through business simulation

Careers and Employability Workshop – Weds 27th April P406

Employability is a key driver in  higher education in the UK and internationally; the majority of students want to be employable at the end of their degree programmes in order to move seamlessly into the productive world of work. The Careers and Employability service are holding a workshop on Wednesday 27th April 2016  titled  “Careers… Read more » about Careers and Employability Workshop – Weds 27th April P406

Careers and Employability seminar – “Working together to prepare your students for life after BU”

The careers and employability service will be holding a seminar on Weds 27th April at 12:00pm in PG30a discussing how we can work together to better prepare our students for life after BU. Do come along, after all,  helping students to succeed in their future career is a crucial part of our role within HE.

The Times Top 100 Graduate Employer Guide

        The Times Top 100 Graduate Employer Guide Normally retailing at £19.99 this guide is FREE to BU students and graduates and is the definitive annual guide to Britain’s most sought-after and prestigious employers of graduates. Now in its seventeenth edition, the latest Top 100 rankings have been compiled from interviews with 18,412 graduates who… Read more » about The Times Top 100 Graduate Employer Guide

SDA ‘drop in and play’ session TODAY 2.00 – 3:45 in PG30a

In addition to the Service Excellence Conference workshops on Thursday 7th April 2016, you can come along to PG30a and see what’s going on with the Student Development Award. Sonya Harvey (SDA coordinator) invites you to join the ‘drop in an play’ session being held between 2:00 – 3:45 pm.    

Student Development Award

Sonya Harvey works for the Careers and Employability Department and heads the Student development Award here at BU. Sonya’s role is to support our students in achieving the BU Student Development Award that recognises the transferrable skills students develop from their experiences while involved in extra-curricular activities. The Award enables them to create a high profile e-portfolio… Read more » about Student Development Award

Student Development Award – Reflective element

The BU Student Development Award – Graduate Attributes: Reflective Writing Students on the Award commit themselves to developing a range of employability skills that enable them to demonstrate workplace experience to potential employers. Through their involvement in a choice of over 100 extra-curricular activities, including volunteering, ambassador and mentoring roles, languages, professional development, media skills,… Read more » about Student Development Award – Reflective element