British Conference of Undergraduate Research 2017 takes place in Bournemouth

This week Bournemouth University welcomes hundreds of undergraduate students from over 60 universities to present their research as part of the 2017 British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR). The annual conference is an opportunity to celebrate student research from across many different disciplines.  Since 2011, BCUR has been hosted by a different British university, with… Read more » about British Conference of Undergraduate Research 2017 takes place in Bournemouth

Reminder: Call for bids for the student-led co-creation fund

The Centre for Excellence in Learning is currently receiving bids from final year undergraduate students for the student-led co-creation funding award. The co-creation scheme funds collaborative projects delivering co-created outputs between  a student and an academic. Anticipated project output (s) should be clearly stated in the bid and this could be a paper, presentation or product. Projects do not have to… Read more » about Reminder: Call for bids for the student-led co-creation fund

Reminder: Drop in sessions and stalls for the student-led co-creation funding scheme

In view of the next round of call for the student-led co-creation fund, the Centre for Excellence in Learning and SUBU are setting up stalls and drop in sessions to provide interested final year undergraduate students and academics with relevant information about the funding scheme. The stalls and drop in sessions shall take place as per the following schedules:   Stalls: Monday… Read more » about Reminder: Drop in sessions and stalls for the student-led co-creation funding scheme

Drop in sessions and stalls for the student-led co-creation funding scheme

In view of the next round of call for the student-led co-creation fund, the Centre for Excellence in Learning and SUBU are setting up stalls and drop in sessions to provide interested final year undergraduate students and academics with relevant information about the funding scheme. The stalls and drop in sessions shall take place as per the following schedules:   Stalls: Monday… Read more » about Drop in sessions and stalls for the student-led co-creation funding scheme

Partnerships of Widening Participation: Students’ Unions

As part of our Fair Access Research we’ve been doing some filming with SUBU. Our video clips will form part of a resource we are developing to help others find ways to build and sustain partnerships with Students’ Unions for widening participation. Working with Educational Technologist Chris O’Reilly we’ve been compiling useful resources and tips. We interviewed our new full-time officers – President, Daniel… Read more » about Partnerships of Widening Participation: Students’ Unions

Working Together for Widening Participation

Thank you to everyone who came to the Fair Access Research workshop, Visible Students/Invisible Needs on Monday 11th July. It was really powerful and humbling to hear from students about their experiences of university — the positive and the negative. Working with students and Students’ Unions is so important for those working to transform higher… Read more » about Working Together for Widening Participation

Highlights of SURE 2016 Event

The SURE project has created extra-curricular opportunities for undergraduates across BU to disseminate their research and gain valuable transferable skills relevant to their academic and personal development. The two SURE conferences have involved staff and students from all faculties and received support from RK&O and BU Events. Not only the two conferences were a result… Read more » about Highlights of SURE 2016 Event

Fair Access Research: Learning Together

The BU Fair Access Research (FAR) project is an innovative project which seeks to make a difference to students by transforming practice through collaborative research. We are co-creating research with students and practitioners (both professional and academic) as part of the university’s commitments to widening participation to higher education. We want to make a sustainable difference to students accessing,… Read more » about Fair Access Research: Learning Together


Starting in 2010, SUBU have adopted a culture of recognising and rewarding professional and service excellence amongst BU staff via an initiative captioned “YOU’RE BRILLIANT AWARDS”. This year was no exception as students nominated staff who they think are brilliant as academics or in rendering services to the student body, but also have been immensely… Read more » about YOU’RE BRILLIANT AWARDS 2015

All about GOATS (an exciting new initiative by SUBU)

Ellie Mayo-Ward, Vice President Education Students’ Union Bournemouth University, shares news about an exciting  new initiative – ‘Go Out and Talk (GOAT) === At SUBU we have started an initiative called GOAT which stands for Go Out and Talk. The GOAT team are a group of students who do exactly that, they go out and… Read more » about All about GOATS (an exciting new initiative by SUBU)