Posts By: kabbasirad

Flexible learning in higher education

Higher Education Academy believes that flexible learning is about empowering students by offering them choices in how, what, when and where they learn: the pace, place and mode of delivery. Flexible learning requires a balance of power between institutions and students, and seeks to find ways in which choice can be provided that is economically… Read more » about Flexible learning in higher education

Senior UK academics call for people’s vote to save universities

Prof Paul Nurse, Nobel Prize-winning geneticist, and director of the Crick Institute, London, says a new vote on Brexit is ‘the only way out’. Prof Michael Arthur, head of UCL, fears for the morale of his European students and staff and for research funding. Interesting article from The Guardian. Read more

What does the FE college of the future look like?

In the same way that machines changed the lives of our ancestors in the 19th century, so technology is transforming our world in the 21st century. Here, we imagine a day in the life of a further education principal in a few years’ time. Your students’ learning is immersive, interactive, flexible, fun and, most importantly, personalised… Read more » about What does the FE college of the future look like?

Panopto Annual Conference 2018

Two members of the BU CEL team attended the Panopto EMEA Annual Conference 2018: Your Video Learning Ecosystem in London. The event contains a mix of presentations, talks, and sessions that focused on Technology and Teaching & Learning. In keynote presentations from the co-founder and CEO, Eric Burns, the company looked ahead to the future… Read more » about Panopto Annual Conference 2018

Lecture capture: vital learning aid or a licence to skip class?

Academics say that online recordings must be emphasised as a supplementary resource, not an alternative to lectures, or some students lose out….. Dr Edwards added that one of the ways to counteract the drop in attendance was to ensure that lectures provide something special that cannot be replicated in a recording. If lectures are interactive… Read more » about Lecture capture: vital learning aid or a licence to skip class?

Live streaming a Panopto recording

You can live-stream a Panopto recording to your students in other rooms around campus or around the world. (click on the link below) How can I livestream as well as record my lecture in Panopto?    

Equality, Social Justice & the Windrush Generation/Ivory Tower Book Launch

October is Black History Month in the UK, across the country, numerous events are being held to celebrate the enormous contribution members of the Windrush generation have made to this country. Bournemouth University celebrated the 70th anniversary of Windrush on 5th October. The launch of the book “Ivory Tower” was also on that day, the… Read more » about Equality, Social Justice & the Windrush Generation/Ivory Tower Book Launch

Creating immersive spaces for all

The spaces 4D create, transform classrooms into interactive and immersive experiences that facilitate flexible and experiential approaches to education. Pupils are able to influence, develop and take control of their own learning, whilst the role of the tutor evolves to become one of a facilitator, collaborator, producer and author. The positive impact a 4D immersive… Read more » about Creating immersive spaces for all


Virtual reality is one of the hottest edtech trends. Not only are students allowed the opportunity to emerge themselves into a subject but can travel the world from their desk chairs. While not readily available in every classroom, programs such as Google Cardboard aim to make VR headsets cheap and accessible. The majority of students own a… Read more » about 20 TOP VIRTUAL REALITY APPS THAT ARE CHANGING EDUCATION