Posts By: Chris Fowler

Preparing myBU for the start of term

Preparing myBU for the start of term myBU is now ready for academics to prepare their 16/17 myBU units. Note that unit content will not be automatically rolled over from 15/16. The entire contents of a unit can be copied over in a few simple steps using the instructions below.   15/16 unit content will stay… Read more » about Preparing myBU for the start of term

Preparing myBU for AY 16-17 – countdown to the start of term

Before academics can start preparing their units in myBU, the units must first be Published (created in myBU) and the staff responsible for the delivery of the unit must be Assigned (attached to the unit). This preliminary stage takes place in the VIS (VLE Information System) and needs to be carried out by staff with knowledge of which units… Read more » about Preparing myBU for AY 16-17 – countdown to the start of term

myBU preparation for the next AY

There are a series of enhancements being made over the summer to make sure myBU delivers an improved and more consistent user experience for our students. The enhancements are a direct response to student requests as part of their learning experience, and include academic feedback on their MUSE comments, plus more access to lecture capture… Read more » about myBU preparation for the next AY