CEL ‘assessment fiestas’ go national!

The Association of Learning Developer in Higher Education (ALDinHE) hold their national conference at the University of Leicester 26/28th March. Our own CEL theme leaders will be showcasing the Bournemouth University work taking place during our year of ‘Assessment and Feedback’.

Please do follow/ support us on #aldcon

Assessment and Feedback Fiesta Anne Quinney, Ann Luce & Shelley Thompson, Bournemouth University


This year, at Bournemouth University we launched our ‘Year of Assessment and Feedback’ with multiple strands. We are revisiting our assessment policies and updating these in light of sector best practice; future proofing in light of emergent technologies, and responding to the call of Ball et all (2012) who argued in their Higher Education Academy publication that there had not been a transformation in assessment and feedback in Higher Education to match the transformation in learning processes and methods. The recent publication by Jessop (2017 p49) on the detail of the assessment landscape which identified “a prevalence of high summative and low formative diets, and disconnected feedback which students find difficult to use”, has informed our work, as has the work of Hounsell (2007; 2016).

Changing assessment policy is a complex undertaking; changing the hearts and minds of staff is arguably more so. As part of our culture change strategy, we are engaging with all Faculties through a series of ‘Assessment and Feedback Fiestas’ where we showcase best practice; invite Faculty Assessment and Feedback Champions to draw together creative practice in their disciplines; and even offer a basic salsa session to demonstrate the energy co-creation and co-ordination underpinning change.

The workshop will take the form of a ‘Taster’ Assessment and Feedback Fiesta.

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