Supporting WP ‘Pracademics’ across the Sector

Dr Sue Eccles delivered a workshop to 50 WP Pracademics at Sheffield Hallam University in September 2017, as part of the conclusion of a one year writing programme sponsored by the Office for Fair Access, delivered by Sheffield Hallam University and supported by academic mentors from across the sector. Her workshop focused on how the participants’ projects could be disseminated in order to reach out to a wide internal and external audience, leaving a broader legacy of their work.

By matching up practitioners with academic mentors, the project aimed to:
– enhance the relationship between WP practitioners and academics
– raise the profile of robust evaluation of WP activity nationally and internationally
– support WP practitioners to present evaluations of their practice in refereed academic journals, enabling practitioners and academics to share their work with broader audiences.

Sue mentored Sarah Collins and Michael Hall (University of Winchester) in the development of their paper: ‘A systematic review of the relation between peer assisted learning schemes and student success: a widening participation perspective’ which will be submitted to a special edition of a peer reviewed widening participation journal later this year and presented at the SRHE Conference in December.

Further details can be found here:

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