Desk-based assessments

Desk-based assessments are usually requested by Local Planning Authorities, archaeological curators, consultants or developers in order to gain information about the known or potential archaeological resource within a specific area.

Map of Wimborne Road Cemetery, Bournemouth, Dorset

They are typically the first step in the archaeological process in helping to determine the archaeological potential of any given area.

These assessments are a very useful way of informing developers of potential constraints which they may face on proposed development site from buried and standing archaeological remains.

Our desk-based assessments typically consult a wide range of sources, including:

  • Local and national archaeological databases
  • Published local history, archaeological journals and other documentary sources
  • Historic maps (e.g. tithe, enclosure, estate, Ordnance Survey)
  • Air photographs (vertical and oblique)
  • British Geological Survey mapping
  • Operating department practice
  • Site inspection
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