Pratyush Nath Upreti

Pratyush Nath Upreti is a lawyer and teaches Intellectual Property Law at Chakrabarti Habi Education Academy College of Law, Kathmandu Nepal. His current interests include Trademark, Geographical Indications, International Investment law, WTO-related issues, among other areas. He was part of a team that contributed in Amicus Curiae Brief in Eli Lilly & Company v. Government of Canada (ICSID Case No. UNCT/14/12).  He is also leading “New IP Lawyers Network”, a wing of school of law and its research centre SCule (Science, Culture and the Law) under University of Exeter, United Kingdom, as an Executive Committee member. He is also an IPBA scholar and recipient of UM High Potential Scholarship for LLM at Maastricht University, Netherlands. He has published articles in peer-reviewed national and International Journals such as The Journal of World Intellectual Property, among others. Email: